Library and Computer Lab
View the library website filled with resources, updates, books, and activities.
Park Elementary is proud to offer computer lab time to all of our students here at Park Elementary School. All TK-6thgrade students visit both rooms weekly. In the computer lab, students use a variety of software and internet activities that reflect and support the HUSD and CA State Standards curriculum.
Our Park Library has over 14,000 books available to check out! Students visit weekly with their class and are able to visit before and after school as they wish. Students are allowed to check out two books at a time.
While in the computer lab, many students are excited and eager to use programs such as Accelerated Reader, IXL, RazKids, Benchmark, Mobymax, and others. These are motivational programs designed to assess and assist in the reading comprehension, language, and math skills our students need.
When we get back to on-campus learning, please read and sign our Library Agreement, which is required to use the library and check out books. The Acceptable Use Policy must be signed before students can use computers associated with the school. It is critical to sign the AUP in order to take part in Distance Learning. The form is currently digital. Please see your student's teacher for more information about this form.
DISTANCE LEARNING: During Distance Learning, students are working off-campus practicing computer skills, and accessing our supplemental enrichment programs. For a library, I am meeting with classes during zoom sessions to read books, illustrate skills, and highlight resources. Additional activities, read alouds, and resources are available in the Library Google Classroom and Ms. Blumstein's library website.
You can pick up physical books from both the Alameda County Library and the Hayward Public Library.
Ms. Michelle Blumstein is always available to answer questions and to find and suggest books and resources. Please contact them at
We look forward to seeing you in the Computer Lab and Library!
Library Resources
Visit Mrs. Blumstein's Library Webpage for resources and read alouds.
Use your class code to read and listen to books online. If you don't have a code, join the library class with this code: BUI6616 at